I’ve been using it for 3 days now and as an antivirus it runs *almost* smoothly.Buuuut there are some things I don’t like:1) I can’t get rid of VPN button on the main Bitdefender panel even when I uninstall Bitdefender’s VPN2) Password manager gets forced on you as well, even when you have your own …
Category Archives: Dev
Flutter tip [1]: useful if null operator ??
?? ?? checks if something is null. If it’s not null it returns it’s own value, but if it is null it returns the value after ?? ??= You can also use it as assignment operator:
Environment variables for Android development
ANDROID_HOME Deprecated (in Android Studio), use ANDROID_SDK_ROOT instead. ANDROID_SDK_ROOT Installation directory of Android SDK package. Example: C:AndroidSDK or ~/android-sdk/ ANDROID_NDK_ROOT Installation directory of Android NDK package. (WITHOUT ANY SPACE) Example: C:AndroidNDK or ~/android-ndk/ ANDROID_SDK_HOME Location of SDK related data/user files. Example: C:Users<USERNAME>.android or ~/.android/ ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME Location of emulator-specific data files. Example: C:Users<USERNAME>.android or ~/.android/ ANDROID_AVD_HOME …
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Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w() and Log.e() – When to use each one?
I found a wonderful explanation of these on Stackoverflow and I stole them from Kurtis Nusbaum so you won’t have to. You’re welcome! So… you come to me and ask: When and which one to use? Let me (that is… him) tell you what I stole: Log.e: This is for when bad stuff happens. Use …
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Live templates for Android Studio 2 – Cheat sheet
Hello, my two visitors and hello Google crawler! While this is my first post (and possibly the only one, unless some miracle happens) so I should introduce my self…Nah! You can manage without it, I’m sure! So this is it – short and …well…just short! At the top are those live templates, that are most …
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Git ‘vejenje’ (git branching)
Ker je za delo (tudi samostojno delo!) branching tako zelo uporabna metoda sem se odločil , da spišem tale kratek potek dela. Teorija gre tako: Programer se loti nekega spreminjanja kode za katerega pa ne ve, če bo sploh uporaben. Recimo, da hočete v vaš program dodati možnost izvoza podatkov v Libre Office. Zato namesto …
Čas je za Git
Dragi (edini) bralec bloga!Naj te danes napotim k neverjetno uporabnemu orodju modernega razvijalca programja. Uvodnik z malo zgodovine Gre za enega najpopularnejših orodij za source control. Pred leti smo gonili CVS. Kasneje smo spoznali zmoto in naveliko preheblal na SVN oz. Subversion, kot smo mu pravili ljubkovalno. Delal je dost ql za tiste čase, če …