Git vejenje za budale (Git branching for schmucks)

<Slovenian language> Ker je za delo (tudi samostojno delo!) branching tako zelo uporabna metoda sem se odločil , da spišem tale kratek potek dela. Teorija gre nekako tako: Programer se loti nekega spreminjanja kode za katerega pa ne ve, če bo sploh uporaben. Recimo, da hočete v vaš program dodati možnost izvoza podatkov v Libre …

Live templates for Android Studio 2 – Cheat sheet

Hello, my two visitors and hello Google crawler! While this is my first post (and possibly the only one, unless some miracle happens) so I should introduce my self…Nah! You can manage without it, I’m sure! So this is it – short and …well…just short! At the top are those live templates, that are most …